- HTML stands for HyperText Markup
Language. It is based on SGML (Standard
Generalized Markup Language), a much bigger
document-processing system. SGML defines
the structure of the content of a document, not that
content's actual appearance on the page or screen.
- HTML defines a set of common styles for
Web pages: headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, etc. It
also defines character styles such as boldface and code
examples. Each element has a name and is contained in
what is called a "tag." You cannot create your
own tags. The W3 Consoitium maintains the
standards for tags which are referred to as: HTML
2.0, HTML 3.0
or HTML 3.2.
- Browser-specific extensions to HTML
tags also exist and these offer new features unique to
individual browsers. Some tags and extensions can be used
anywhere and others will produce different results in
different browsers. It is always wise to check your work
in several browsers.
- Working with HTML tags is similar to
working with the codes used by found in wordprocessor
like WordPerfect. If an HTML tag is in
the wrong place or missing some important information,
your pages will not display correctly.
- HTML documents can be created using
standard text editors like Notepad or WordPad, or you can
use an HTML editor such as Netscape
Navigator Gold or Microsoft's FrontPage. A specialized HTML
editor it will automatically generate the tags for you
making the creation of a web page easy and fast. Most new
versons also include templates and wizards to help you
get started.
- A quick way to build your understanding of HTML
is to view the source code of an interesting web
document. This will show you not only the tags used but
the arrangement of the tags, text and images. HTML
coding usually surrounds the text it effects and it may
take several tags to create the effect you are seeing on
the web page. An HTML tag cheat sheet or
reference book can help you interpret what you find.
- When first learning to create HTML
documents, keep things simple. Start with one page and
try out the various types of HTML tags
on it. Save the document frequently so changes can be
viewed before it is in final version. Then create a
second HTML document and try linking the
two pages together.
- Be careful to use relative links in your
HTML documents so they will work after
the documents are published on the server. For example:
use "index.html" instead of
"a:\\htmlclass\\index.html". An absolute link
contains the full path of a file and may be meaningless
if the files are eventually moved to a server.
- Utilize the Windows' Copy and Paste functions to make new
HTML documents as well as to create
links. The Cut function is also very useful in editing
documents but if you really want to cut something and
paste it into a new position, don't "cut" until
you have copied and saved. Then you will not lose your
work if something should go wrong.
- HTML does not recognize any hard returns
or blank spaces that are included in the text you type.
If spacing does not look right when you are viewing your
document with the browser, you must edit the source
document to change things. The paragraph, break and
horizontal rule tags control the spacing of text.
- Capitalization of HTML tags is optional
as is leaving a blank line between sections of a
document. However, these things will make your HTML
documents easier to read and edit.
- Choose color, background, and text combinations that are
easy on the eyes.
- You may need to use Netscape's View/Reload command to see
any changes you have made in your document. After a
document has been viewed the first time, subsequent
revisions may not be visible unless you use this command.
- If you create a document with a lot of text on it, you
can use Word or WordPerfect to check your spelling. To do
this, open the file in the desired application. If a
dialog box titled: Convert File Format appears, select
"ASCII (DOS) Text" from the drop-down list and
click OK. Check the spelling and when save any changes
using the same file name and file type. If no errors were
found, you can just close the application without saving
the file.
- To get a fast start on creating a web page, Netscape's
File/Save As.. will allow you to save a copy of an
existing web page. To capture an image, point to the
image on the page and click the right mouse button.
Select Save Image As.... to save a copy of the image file
to your hard drive or floppy.
- There are many public doman (free) icons and images
available for downloading on the Internet. You can use
any search engine to locate them. Yahoo is a good place
to start looking for free icons and images . Be sure to
check for copyright information before saving an existing
image. These are some local images you can freely use. To
create your own images, you will need to use a graphics
- If you plan to create many web pages, create an
organizational scheme for them consisting of directories
and files with a central index. Also consider
establishing a style sheet for your pages so they have a
consistent look and feel.
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